You can save an emergency by an emergency


          Hey this emergency is not something related to emergency rooms              or operation- theatre. It is related to contraception.

  • Emergency contraception is the method of preventing pregnancy after the act of intercourse.
  • Various methods available for the same are….morning after pill, Cu-T.
  • Cu-T can be inserted within 5 days of act and pills can be taken within 72 hours i.e.3 days, but for Cu-T insertion you need to visit doctor or health worker, so emergency oral contraceptive pill is fine.
  • Most effective if taken within 12 hours of act(Golden period),and its effective if taken within 72 hours ,but if 72 hours have passed, even then you can have it till 5 days, though efficacy will be reduced.
  • If you are having regular periods, pills or Cu-T are effective if you had sex in first half of your cycle as they inhibit ovulation.
  • Failure can be there if you take them in your second half. So girls be careful.
  • Who needs emergency contraception: Any woman of reproductive age group may need emergency contraception at some point of her life.
  • As no drug is free from side-effects and contraindications, so is the emergency contraception. It may lead to menstrual irregularities and ectopic pregnancy too. People with migraine or liver disorders take them carefully.
  •      So guys enjoy your life, but be careful. Let emergency be emergency, don’t use it regularly for contraception purpose……..

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